Simple How to LinkedIn Guide

Are you on LinkedIn Or do you know how to LinkedIn? If you are not, then I would strongly suggest you to create a LinkedIn profile asap. The fact is LinkedIn is one of my favorite social media marketing tools nowadays. Not only I use in to connect peers in my industry but I also use it to establish my brand identity online!

Leverage on LinkedIn to Create Brand Identity!

Interestingly, I received an inbox notification from LinkedIn last month and I was trilled to see my profile is in the top 10% most viewed profile by surfers on LinkedIn! How exciting:) In fact, I even know a few mutual marketers profile are viewed at the top 1% tier. The statistic actually excites me. To me, LinkedIn is like an untapped gold mine and don’t ever underestimate the power of LinkedIn influence.

How to LinkedIn

The fact is LinkedIn has more than 200 million users in over 200+ countries in different industries and segments, making this social network company the largest and most influential community in the Globe.

LinkedIn individual’s identity is closely connected to everything they do on the site, it therefore is a very targeted channel for marketer if you know how to leverage on the right LinkedIn strategies.

9 Steps to LinkedIn Success

There are right way and wrong way to leverage on your LinkedIn connection to personify your brand identity. And I would share the basic 9 steps to LinkedIn success as below:

1) Set up and Optimize Your Profile

LinkedIn is free to setup. There is an option to upgrade to premier paid subscription. If you are looking for basic networking, the complementary profile is sufficient enough to kick start. While setting up your profile, make sure you upload a professional picture profile. I am seeing many people left their profiles with a blank image and non up-to-date work experience. These mistakes are critical! Thus, make sure you include a professional image, not a cartoon or blank image on LinkedIn. Remember, LinkedIn is a professional network. Your image reflects who you are.

I frequently received connection from others I didn’t know. And guess what, I would usually ignore those without a picture image. Make sense right? It’s a no-brainer!

2) Connect Your Profile With Your Real Name

Make sure your profile is established by using your real name. You can see from my LinkedIn profile that everything is connected and reflected with my real name and qualification. The very fact is no one will want to network with someone who is using a fake or funky username profile.

Additionally, LinkedIn itself is an authority website, thus your profile will usually rank high on Google search – It does have positive SEO impact!

3) Connect People You Know in LinkedIn

Once you establish your profile in full. Start searching and connecting friends, co-workers who already have a LinkedIn’s profile. I suggest to find 20 people as a minimum to start, and your network will gradually expand. When you have a certain social cycle, your LinkedIn will automatically explore. Friends, co-workers and people who you even didn’t know will request to add you to their network. This is what I called the power of six degree of separation. How powerful is that!

4) Make Your Credential Stand Up

One of the features I like about LinkedIn is you can have your entire resume and credential publish on it. LinkedIn not only is a best place for recruiters to find the perfect candidates, but also a good place for you to hunt down potential clients and customers. For those who are into email marketing, the email address is usually most up to date. So it is a good way to create rapport by connecting like minded professional by leveraging on the power of LinkedIn marketing.

If you are seriously wanting to know how to LinkedIn, I strongly recommend Louise Hower’s LinkedIn influence to my subscribers.

Be sure to always keep your profile professional, as this will aid you in establishing credibility and expertise in your target industries and subject matters on LinkedIn social influence.

5) Get Your Endorsement and Recommendation

If you have been working in the Corporate World for awhile. Chances are you might have changed your job once or twice. Bear in mind, it is important for you to connect your peers or ex bosses and have them endorsed on your skill sets or write a short recommendation for you. Alternatively, your would wnat to do the same for the person who endorse you. This apply to your customers and clients as well!

Social media is a World of share, view and comment. The beauty of LinkedIn is legit recommendation is always professional and written with highly endorsed languages. In any career, nothing boosts morale, loyalty, and mutual friendship with an unsolicited recommendation. So, never afraid to ask for recommendation from your formal bosses, co-workers and even customers.

6) Join the Right Network and Group

LinkedIn enables you to connect the group and network you are interested in participating in. Example, there are many network marketing, affiliate marketing and internet marketing blog group which I am associating with! The purpose is to network, learn and benchmark with one and another. Your groups represent great opportunities to expose your personal brand, your knowledge and ideas to the same like minded professionals.

It is highly recommended you to spend some time each week to socialize and engage with members of these groups.Bear in mind, you want to actively participate in your group discussion, add value and ask the right questions, not to spam the group.

7) Status Update on LinkedIn

If you own a blog, be sure to post your update on your profile. To me, a good quality content post is a way to get your content circulating within an engaged and targeted audience. By sharing your content on LinkedIn, you will also drive more visitors to your blog and establish reputation for yourself.

8) Never SPAM Others Inbox

LinkedIn is a transparent network and never send out mass sales messages with your LinkedIn email connection. If you want to email or sell someone, make sure you at least establish trust before you done that. Relationship marketing is key to succeed even in the social marketing World. Keep it in mind, never spam others inbox.

9) Leverage on LinkedIn Paid Advertising

LinkedIn paid advertising is a good tool especially your target audience is catered toward hiring and finding the right professionals. I personally have not tested on LinkedIn ads, but it is a feasible option for you to look at. LinkedIn’s PPC enables you to breakdown your campaign by demographic, skills, job title, age, gender and etc. It can be a targeted tools when comes to niche specific marketing practices

How to LinkedIn in Summary

LinkedIn is a highly targeted networking tools. Many people use LinkedIn for career hunting and recruitment. Not only you can use it to get in touch with your formal workers but you can also use it to expand your social network connection. With LinkedIn answers and groups, you can establish trust and build you network with peers in your industry while keeping yourself abreast of what’s going on in the World.

Regardless you are self-employed professional or corporate executive, LinkedIn undoubtedly is a powerful social networking tool. So,if you have not yet on it, make sure you jump on and learn how to LinkedIn!

To your social marketing success!

Jay Chua:

Internet Marketing Blog dedicated to Online Entrepreneur, Blogger and Marketer
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