How to Leverage on Youtube?

Did you know that Youtube is the top 3 most visited site in the World?  Video visitors alone from Youtube accounted for more than 800 million traffic each month, and this number is still rising every month. I start experimenting with Youtube lately and have experienced some huge success with it, Youtube now has become one of my favorite yet indispensable tools to my internet marketing career.

If you could just master Youtube marketing alone, you can make a fortune online.

So, How Do YOU Make Use of Youtube as a Marketing Tools?

YoutubeYoutube if uses correctly, can help you establish your brand and attract viral traffic to your website from many years to come. Imagine one video that got view 5 times per day, and a year from now, you will have 1825 views per year. If you video content is good, it will get share by audience automatically which lead to even more views. Thus creating quality video is your ultimate goal.

One undeniable fact is Youtube is owned by Google. The site itself has a strong PR9 authority, thus almost every video content shared on Youtube will automatically pick up by Google index. Not only your video will rank in Youtube itself but also Google organic search when it is viewed by million of users.

Here Are Some Practical Advice Before Creating Your Video

1) Video Research Tools

Youtube has its own video research tools, you can utilize on Youtube keyword tools to conduct relevant keywords before you start putting your video ideas together.

2) Video Title Keyword:

Similar to organic search SEO, title tag is 8 times more important than anything else in video marketing. When comes to writing your title tag. Here are some guidelines to stick to:

  • Your video title tag must not be longer than 64 characters, anything longer than that will be ignored by the search engine.
  • Your primary keyword must be include in the title tag as part of video on page optimization process.


3) H1, H2 and H2 tag:

When comes to video marketing, Youtube will automatically grab your title tag as H1 tag, thus you don;t have to worry about having additional h1 tag. As for H2 and H3 tags, they don’t exist when comes to video marketing. So I would less bother about them.

4) Video Meta Description:

The spider crawl your video description tag from the video meta description page. The key to succeed with meta description is to include your main keyword, several secondary long tailed keywords plus a few latent semantic keywords into the description tag. These will help with Video SEO.

Be sure to keep the description within 160 characters.

Practical Tips to Do Well With Video

  • Content is KING

Same as writing a quality content article, your video content need to be helpful to your target audience and provide valuable advice or educational information to your target audience. So it trigger the audience to viral share your video content.

When comes to video marketing, I usually like to shoot for 1 to 5 mins video. The average is 2 minutes video. I do not advise folks to create 1 hr video as that will bored the audience.

  • Video Channel Leverage

Properly planned video channels can have huge impact on your business if you know how to play the leverage game:) You can create many videos by using channel tab. For example, if you niche is dog training, you can create several channels breaking into: puppy training, dog grooming tips, stop dog barking etc.

You might have noticed every time you search for one video, the similar one will pop up on the right hand corner. That is the power of leverage. Imagine if you have 100 videos in your own channels under the same niche, then you video content can automatically become a viral machine, share and see by your target audience.

  • Other Factors

When your video channels started to become popular, you will start seeing people drop by to leave comments, share it and like it, and some even will subscribe as regular readers of your video update. See, how powerful is video marketing:)

How to Create a Video?

Creating your own video is not really that difficult. You can create a simple power point presentation and voice over video and upload to Youtube. If you are looking to create some some music background and and picture image video, I recommend you to checkout Animoto. This FREE VIDEO tool allows you to create and produce your own video in less than 30 seconds

Alternatively, if you are busy or lazy, you can always outsource your video creation for $5 at

In Conclusion.

Video marketing is very much an under exposed marketing channels. Many marketers are spending too much time in article marketing and SEO, but they never utilized the power of video marketing.

Apart from Youtube, there are several other popular video channels which I strongly suggest you to checkout as well:

  • Dailymotion
  • Vimeo
  • Metacafe
  • Videojug


In a nutshell, If you haven’t started doing any video marketing, I would urge you to start soon. At least start from Youtube. I hope you find this video marketing tip blog helpful. Feel free to share it on Facebook  with your friends or tweet about it.